Credit Valley Hospital Visiting Hours 2024

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Understanding the Credit Valley Hospital visiting hours is essential for anyone planning to visit loved ones in this Mississauga-based healthcare facility.

Credit Valley Hospital is committed to patient care and comfort, and part of this commitment is reflected in their visitor guidelines.

Visiting hours can vary depending on the hospital department and the patient’s condition. It’s crucial to check ahead of time to avoid any inconvenience or unexpected restrictions when planning your visit.


In addition to general visiting hours, special considerations are in place for certain units, such as the oncology and palliative care wards.

Credit Valley Hospital Visiting Hours

Latest Credit Valley Hospital Visiting Hours

Credit Valley Hospital visiting hours were ensuring that patients received adequate rest while also allowing loved ones to visit and offer support.

Understanding these Credit Valley Hospital visiting hours is crucial for planning your visit while respecting the hospital’s guidelines.

Standard Visiting Hours

The general visiting hours at Credit Valley Hospital are from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM daily. These hours apply to most inpatient units, allowing visitors to spend time with patients while minimizing disruptions to care.

Oncology Care

For patients in the oncology department, the visiting hours differ slightly. Visitors are allowed between 11:00 AM and 8:30 PM.

This slight adjustment ensures that patients undergoing intensive treatments have the necessary quiet time to rest and recover.

Emergency Department

The Emergency Department at Credit Valley Hospital is open 24/7, but visiting policies here are more restricted due to the nature of care provided.

Visitors are generally limited unless they are essential to the patient’s care, such as supporting individuals with cognitive or mobility challenges.

Other Specialized Units

Other units, such as the maternity or pediatric wards, may have specific visiting hours or guidelines. These can vary depending on the patient’s condition and the type of care required.

It’s advisable to check with the specific unit or department ahead of your visit to ensure you’re aware of any special requirements or restrictions.

By familiarizing yourself with the Credit Valley Hospital visiting hours, you can plan your visit effectively, ensuring both patient well-being and a smooth experience for all involved​.

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Credit Valley Hospital Visitors Policies

Credit Valley Hospital Visitors Policies

Credit Valley Hospital has established specific visitor policies to ensure the safety and well-being of both patients and staff.

These policies are especially crucial in maintaining a controlled and safe environment within the hospital, particularly during periods of increased health risks like COVID-19.

  • Visitors must sanitize their hands when entering and exiting the hospital and before and after visiting a patient.
  • Visitors should follow any specific instructions provided by hospital staff regarding patient care and interaction.
  • Generally, only two visitors are allowed per patient each day.
  • Visitor access may be restricted based on patient condition and departmental needs.
  • Certain patients, like those needing intensive care, may have limited visitor access.
  • Visiting hours and the number of visitors may differ from general policies.
  • Additional visitor restrictions may apply for patients in critical care or under isolation due to infectious diseases.
  • Only essential caregivers might be allowed under strict conditions.

Following these policies, alongside the Credit Valley Hospital visiting hours, ensures that the hospital environment remains safe for patients, visitors, and staff.

Credit Valley Hospital COVID-19 Precautions

Credit Valley Hospital COVID-19 Precautions

Credit Valley Hospital has implemented strict COVID-19 precautions to protect patients, visitors, and staff. These measures are particularly important to ensure that the hospital remains a safe environment while allowing for necessary visits.

Current Health Precautions

  • All visitors must complete a COVID-19 screening process before entering the hospital.
  • Masks are required for all visitors at all times, regardless of vaccination status.
  • The hospital has increased cleaning frequency in high-touch areas and patient rooms.
  • In the event of a COVID-19 outbreak, additional precautions are taken, such as restricting visitor access to affected units and enforcing strict personal protective equipment (PPE).

Impact on Visiting Hours

  • During periods of high COVID-19 activity, visiting hours may be reduced or adjusted to minimize the risk of spreading the virus.
  • In certain cases, such as when a unit is under outbreak protocols, visitor numbers may be limited or restricted to essential caregivers only.
  • For patients with critical conditions or those requiring special care, visitor policies may be more lenient, but these visits are still subject to the hospital’s overall COVID-19 precautions.

By adhering to these COVID-19 precautions and staying informed about Credit Valley Hospital visiting hours, visitors can help maintain a safe environment for everyone involved.

Credit Valley Hospital Accessibility

Credit Valley Hospital Accessibility

Credit Valley Hospital prioritizes accessibility to ensure that all patients, visitors, and staff have the support they need to navigate the hospital efficiently.

Here’s an overview of the accessibility features related to transportation, parking, and physical access at the hospital.

Transportation Access

  • Credit Valley Hospital is well-served by public transportation, with several bus routes stopping directly at the hospital.
  • A shuttle service is available between Trillium Health Partners’ sites, including Credit Valley Hospital.

Parking Access

  • The hospital offers several accessible parking spaces close to the main entrances. These spots are clearly marked and designed to provide ample space for wheelchair access.
  • Visitors can pay for parking at designated machines or purchase passes for extended visits.
  • Credit Valley Hospital has also introduced EV charging stations in its parking facilities, enhancing accessibility for those with electric vehicles.

Physical Access

  • The hospital is equipped with wheelchair-accessible entrances, washrooms, and elevators.
  • For visitors and patients with hearing impairments, the hospital offers telecommunications devices and other assistive tools.
  • The hospital provides clear, accessible signage throughout the building to assist with navigation.

By ensuring these accessibility features are in place, Credit Valley Hospital supports all visitors, particularly during the designated Credit Valley Hospital visiting hours.

Credit Valley Hospital Visitor Services and Amenities

Credit Valley Hospital Visitor Services and Amenities

Credit Valley Hospital offers a range of services and amenities to ensure that visitors have a comfortable and convenient experience during their visit.

These services are available within the guidelines of the Credit Valley Hospital visiting hours, allowing you to make the most of your time with loved ones.

Information and Assistance

Visitors can find help at the information desks located near the main entrances. Staff and volunteers are available to provide directions, answer questions, and offer assistance, ensuring visitors can navigate the hospital with ease.

Food and Dining Options

Credit Valley Hospital provides several dining options for visitors, including a cafeteria and on-site coffee shops. These locations offer a variety of meals and snacks, making it easy for visitors to grab a bite during visiting hours.

Retail Services

The hospital features a gift shop where visitors can purchase items like flowers, cards, and small gifts to bring to patients. This shop is conveniently located within the hospital, making it easy to find something special during your visit.

Spiritual Care and Quiet Spaces

For those seeking a moment of reflection or quiet, the hospital offers a chapel and designated quiet spaces. These areas are open to visitors of all faiths and provide a peaceful environment to meditate or pray.

By taking advantage of these visitor services and amenities, you can enhance your visit to Credit Valley Hospital, ensuring that your time spent within the designated visiting hours is both comfortable and meaningful.

Credit Valley Hospital Contact Information

Credit Valley Hospital Contact Information

Credit Valley Hospital provides several ways to get in touch, ensuring that all visitors and patients can easily access the information and support they need.

Visit the official website for the most up-to-date information on services, patient care, and Credit Valley Hospital Visiting Hours.


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